Overcoming a relationship breakdown

Stay away from the scrap yard

Take a moment to think of your car or if you like the car you’ve always wanted to own. Remember all the places you have travelled or visualise the trips you would like to make. Think about the fun it has provided and the fond memories created. Brings a smile to the face doesn’t it.

Imagine you are out for a leisurely drive. Feels great but then disaster, someone crashes into you and your car is written off. How would you feel? Gutted I bet.

So how would you respond? Would you get out of bed at 3 in the morning and walk, now you haven’t got a car or get a taxi all the way to the scrap yard where your crumpled car is laying in a heap? Would you peer over the fence just to have a look and either get angry at the thought of what happened to it, or sad and depressed because it’s no longer in your life?

Would you do this over and over again for year after year? I’m pretty confident that the answer would be ‘NO’.

So why do the equivalent when there is a break up in a relationship?

Well that’s what the majority of people do whenever there’s a break up of some sort in their relationships be it business, platonic or romantic. My question to a group of men and women that I passed on this concept to whilst delivering a workshop on ‘Comfort zones and the benefits of stretching out of it’ was: How many of you are still haunted by experiences and memories from the past because you continually visit the ‘Scrap yard’? No surprise every hand in the room went up in agreement.

If you are finding it difficult to overcome a crash from a past relationship of any kind, then remember that unless it’s dealt with in the right way you’ll continue to suffer from it not only mentally and emotionally but physically too. You have to learn that there is absolutely no value in letting this situation continue as well as understand the tactics and strategies that can be put in place to help you overcome this personal challenge.

Interested? Want to find out more about the Scrap yard concept and how to deal with it?

Contact us at Irwin Edgehill Training and discuss our range of services and solutions we offer that focus on enabling individuals deal with and move on from relationships that have broken down . Email: info@irwinedgehilltraining.co.uk or call 07842 435921.


  1. Great analogy Irwin such a simple but cleaver way of looking at it too! Xx

    On Wed, 11 Sep 2019 at 09:32, Irwin Edgehill Training wrote:

    > Irwin Edgehill posted: ” Take a moment to think of your car or if you like > the car you’ve always wanted to own. Remember all the places you have > travelled or visualise the trips you would like to make. Think about the > fun it has provided and the fond memories created. Brings ” >


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