Are you able to see your own contradictions?

Most people, to one degree or another, can only see the contradictions in others but not in themselves. Do you know of someone who behaves like this? Or on reflection, might this be how you are or have been too?

My experience of not seeing through my own contradictions first came as a shock. This was because I wasn’t doing any inner work to recognise it. Getting all my cues on how to live internally from the exterior world. And as a result I thought I didn’t need to.

We live in two worlds!
It was only when I realised that we live in two worlds, the EXTERIOR and the INNER. Then I was able to get down to some seriously hard but authentically fulfilling work of self-observation and self-reflection. Only then did I notice my own contradictions and went beyond it.

In a recent coaching session, I helped an individual see through his own contradictions. Causing him many problems without him knowing it. It occurred to me that there must be many people with this issue. And the realisation of the problems it most certainly will be causing them.  

Don’t take my word for it. 
Have the courage to try this remarkable concept of watching your own contradictions. This will increase your level of awareness and transform you into a better person as it did for me and my client. 

But have you got the courage to do it? 
Unfortunately, most people haven’t. Not because they don’t want to. They just don’t believe they can do it or more concerning, they feel they don’t need to.

If you have the courage, that’s great news for you. You are now about to embark on the hard but cheery journey to inner emotional freedom. And as a result, see your external circumstances transform for the better.

What are you waiting for? 
Give me, Irwin Edgehill a call on 07842 435 921 or contact me via email I’ll happily supply you with the tools and techniques that will make your painful contradictions a thing of the past. 

And whilst you are here why not have a read of my previous blogs.

Personal development

Are you a victim of your own delusions?

This question came up in a personal development meeting I attended recently. It resonated with me so much that I spent some time pondering on it.

I then came to the realisation that my former years were spent in painful delusion, only later understanding through working on myself with the right help and guidance, that this was causing me problems in all aspects of my own life.

For example, I always I thought that I was better than I actually was. When results didn’t go my way I would become sullen, sad and depressed. Not knowing that I was the reason for my failings. In truth I was a victim of my own delusions. 

Are you a victim of your own delusions?

So my question to you is: If life isn’t giving you what you want or need, and as a result you feel emotionally defeated more often than not, then are you a victim of your own delusions?

From my own experience, if you are courageous enough to look at your life from this perspective. Overcome the positive awakening shock of it, then things will start to transform for the better for you as it did and continues to do for me.

Act on the right information to improve yourself

I was always told by my mentor the more we can look at ourselves, warts and all. Act on the right information given in order to improve ourselves internally and as a result transform our external circumstances, then and only then will our lives move from delusion to clarity.

Get in touch

If you think you might well be a victim of your own delusions then why not find the courage to contact Irwin Edgehill Training. Let us help and guide you out of self delusion and into a better way to live your life. Contact us via Email: or call 07842 435921.

knock of neurosis

Don’t answer the Knock of Neurosis

Have you ever experienced a state where everything seems to be going right in your life, then suddenly you feel yourself swinging into depression, anxiety or stress? Have you tried dealing with it by suppressing it with drugs, alcohol, wrong sex or food? And found this made it worse in the long term?

In my experience, from the many people I have helped to ignore the knock of neurosis and as a result beat it. The feelings of depression, anxiety or stress only get worse until they accept and act on the phenomenal concept of ‘doing nothing about any problem’.

Now please go real slow with this. And be aware I’m not talking about solving everyday problems such as getting your car fixed or tending to a leaking roof. This is on a higher level than that. What we are talking about is coping with our inner level of being, how we feel within ourselves. And doing NOTHING being the cure.

Think of your feelings
Take a moment and think of your feelings. Most people think that their feelings are who they are. This simply isn’t the case. The majority of people I’ve worked with live their lives like a pendulum. Swaying between happiness to sadness, peace to anger, from calm and collected to being anxious and nervous. And in most cases these states never stay long. Which is proof that they are not part of us. If they were, those states wouldn’t come and go as they do. They would just stay with us as a constant, forever.

Deal with your emotions the right way
If you have the courage to be watchful of this, you will see it for yourself. The problem is most people don’t deal with their emotions in the right way. This then perpetuates the negatives of thinking that their feelings are actually who they are.

So if you are now at a stage in your life were you feel emotionally defeated, the good news is you are now putting yourself on the path of authentic inner transformation. Stopping yourself answering the knock of neurosis. Are you willing to give this fantastic organic alternative a try?

Don’t answer the Knock of Neurosis with things that have failed you in the past
In a recent workshop this concept was put to the participants in the way I am now conveying it to you. The next time a feeling of depression, stress or anxiety comes along, try just sitting with that feeling in that moment for as long as you can. Don’t answer it with any of the things that you have tried and have failed you in the past.

In order for this to be a success, which believe me it will. You will need courage, a burning desire, Will, and a sense of conscious vulnerability. What I mean by this is to admit to yourself that you can’t and never will be able to solve this problem on the level you currently operate on. Albert Einstein was quoted as saying: ‘It’s impossible to solve any problem with the level of awareness that created it in the first place.’ And this in our opinion is the fundamental reason why the majority of people suffer from answering the knock of neurosis for longer than they need do.

All you need to do now is contact us at Irwin Edgehill Training. Let us help you to NOT answer the knock of neurosis ever again. Email: or call 07842 435921.

Combating negativity workshop

Combating negativity workshop

Another week and another successful workshop.  This latest session run for BCHA centred around an individual’s negative beliefs and negative self talk.  Many people suffer from this needlessly with the result being that we become what we think about most of the time. 

This half day workshop helped participants to begin to think about approaches to combating negativity. They were introduced to and given various tools and techniques such as making a note of every negative thought that went through their mind to begin to address the situation.  This is vital evidence of the amount of negative thoughts that come into our minds on a daily basis.  Unless we are conscious of them then they will ultimately control us for the worse. 

Interested in attending some of our other workshops? Then contact Irwin Edgehill Training to find out more via Email: or call 07842 435921. 

managing student exam stress

Managing student exam stress

What a great day.  We are just back from working with students at Tregonwell Academy in Bournemouth, helping them manage exam stress.

Throughout the day we worked with groups of year 11 students to find the best ways they can prepare for and take their forthcoming mock exams without being stressed. During our workshops we first gave  them an introduction about the root causes of stress and then information on how it can be combated.

The combat came in the form of showing them simple breathing techniques, aided using visual on screen data through the Emwave stress machine which highlights when an individual is in positive coherence or in other words ‘stressless’.

The end result: The students felt more confident and optimistic about taking their exams, giving them a better chance of obtaining the grades they want to achieve.

Thanks to IAG Lead Holly Andrews at Tregonwell Academy for helping to organise the workshops.  We are looking forward to returning again soon.

Do you think your students could benefit from a better understanding of what stress really is? Interested in exploring how we can help your students. Then contact Irwin Edgehill Training via Email: or call 07842 435921.