Building relationships

Roses are red, violets are blue, so how did I end up with someone like you?

It’s that time of the year when we are meant to be our best selves to the person we are supposed to love. A time when TV and radio adverts, the supermarkets and social media are all encouraging us to spend big on treating our loved ones to something special for Valentine’s Day.

Before you read any further, let me say this blog is not written with any form of resentfulness or bitterness. On the contrary, it is written in spiritual awareness, where I passionately believe if people had this type of awareness, they wouldn’t get seduced, as they do at this point every year, into spending money for the wrong reasons.

I say for the wrong reasons because the other person in most cases, only ever mechanically gives, to get back, or as I have mentioned they take their cues from a media point of view and not from their authentic self.

My question to you is this: How is it possible for a couple to be authentically their best selves when they do no emotional inner work to become their best authentic selves? And if they are not doing any emotional inner work, do you think they have the capacity to be an authentic valentine 365 days a year let alone for just one day?

This is why couples spend most of their time at each other’s throats be that verbally, psychologically, or unfortunately physically. Which in many cases has its root cause in both, or at least one of them not doing any emotional inner work on themselves. Yet they will still be buying each other valentine gifts and calling that love. 

If you are fed up with silently or openly saying to yourself: How did I end up with him or her? You are now aware of the fundamental reason and can now start to do something about it. 

With the help of Irwin Edgehill training, let us help you to become a true valentine every day of the year. Call 07842 435921 or send a message to And whilst you are here, have a read of some of my previous blogs which I believe you’ll also find of help! You’ll find them at:

Are you able to see your own contradictions?

Most people, to one degree or another, can only see the contradictions in others but not in themselves. Do you know of someone who behaves like this? Or on reflection, might this be how you are or have been too?

My experience of not seeing through my own contradictions first came as a shock. This was because I wasn’t doing any inner work to recognise it. Getting all my cues on how to live internally from the exterior world. And as a result I thought I didn’t need to.

We live in two worlds!
It was only when I realised that we live in two worlds, the EXTERIOR and the INNER. Then I was able to get down to some seriously hard but authentically fulfilling work of self-observation and self-reflection. Only then did I notice my own contradictions and went beyond it.

In a recent coaching session, I helped an individual see through his own contradictions. Causing him many problems without him knowing it. It occurred to me that there must be many people with this issue. And the realisation of the problems it most certainly will be causing them.  

Don’t take my word for it. 
Have the courage to try this remarkable concept of watching your own contradictions. This will increase your level of awareness and transform you into a better person as it did for me and my client. 

But have you got the courage to do it? 
Unfortunately, most people haven’t. Not because they don’t want to. They just don’t believe they can do it or more concerning, they feel they don’t need to.

If you have the courage, that’s great news for you. You are now about to embark on the hard but cheery journey to inner emotional freedom. And as a result, see your external circumstances transform for the better.

What are you waiting for? 
Give me, Irwin Edgehill a call on 07842 435 921 or contact me via email I’ll happily supply you with the tools and techniques that will make your painful contradictions a thing of the past. 

And whilst you are here why not have a read of my previous blogs.

Are you ready for your High Noon?

Have you ever seen the film ‘High Noon’ Starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly?

In High Noon the former marshal Will Kane (Gary Cooper) is preparing to leave the small town of Hadleyville, New Mexico, with his new bride, Amy (Grace Kelly), when he learns that local criminal Frank Miller has been set free and is coming to seek revenge on the marshal who turned him in. When he starts recruiting deputies to fight Miller, Kane is discouraged to find that the people of Hadleyville turn cowardly when the time comes for a showdown, and he must face Miller and his cronies alone.

Put yourself in Will Kane’s place. Everyone around him with whom he thought he could depend and rely on deserted him.  His deputies all gave feeble excuses as to why they couldn’t help. Even his own wife threatened to leave him if he didn’t run and hide like the others in the next town for fear of Frank Miller and his gang.  Just try to think of all the emotions that must have been going through his entire body:

  • Fear for his own life
  • Frustration at his deputies and friends lack of belief and trust in him
  • Sadness that his wife was ready to turn her back on him and the lack of belief she had in him

All of this must have set off a mass of confusion and self doubt within himself.  Was he doing the right thing of staying to face Miller as the clock ticks towards noon when the train is due in?

Now put this scenario into the context of your own life:​

  • Are you willing to keep walking forward on your own even when others doubt you?  
  • Are you willing to stand alone for what you believe in even when others don’t appear to believe in you or what you are trying to achieve? 
  • Have you got the mental and emotional strength, burning desire and persistence needed in order to stay true to your own convictions?

When it comes to your ‘High Noon’ you too will most likely have to go it alone at some point on your journey.  If you really want to live the life you imagine then you’ll need to deal with the doubt of those you thought would stand with you.  You may also need to overcome your own self doubt, stress, anxiety, depression and lack of confidence.

Are you prepared for that?  Do you have the right help in place? If not contact me Irwin Edgehill and I will stand with you all the way on your own ‘High Noon’.  Contact me via Email: or call 07842 435921. While you are here have a look at my previous blogs which I believe will resonate:

Is Fear forcing you to give up? Then call on your Heart’s Courage to continue!

This blog post will be disliked by many. Because so many people have a fear of fear.

To one degree or another, almost everyone lives in fear whether consciously or unconsciously. Mostly because they are unable to take care of themselves in their inner and their outside world. 

Understanding fear is the elixir in curing it.

Trembling and shaking physically, emotionally, and psychologically, at the prospect of another challenging day, month, or year from fear of their finances, relationships, work, and health. Many, feel fear is so mysteriously varied to try and understand it. Without realising that understanding is the elixir in curing it.

Don’t surrender to your fear!

Fearing their strength isn’t adequate or that their wisdom won’t be able to meet their predicament. Many people embark on a desperate search, looking for a solution to whatever they fear in the wrong and quite often dark places. At the same time asking the wrong questions, which only ever yields the wrong answers. Forcing them to surrender to whatever they are fearing, which only perpetuates their fears.

As you are reading this, take a moment to stop and ask yourself: “Can you feel any fear running through you?”Regardless of its size, are you tired of suppressing your fear with the wrong medicinal tools, be they recreational or over the counter ones?

Put an end to your fears.

If your answer is yes, then contact me on 07842 435921 or email I’ll help you put an end to your fears so you can live heart-fully, in your everyday life. 

And whilst you are here, have a read of my previous blogs, which I believe will resonate with you. You will find them at

Have you got what it takes to live on easy street?

As an ice breaker in a recent workshop I delivered on ‘Relationships’ I asked the participants: “What do you really want from life?”  Their responses included:

  • I want to be happy.
  • I want good mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
  • I want to be financially independent.
  • I want peace of mind.
  • I want healthy relationships with my wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, and family.
  • I want a good job.
  • I want a nice house with a garden.
  • I want to go on nice holidays regularly.
  • I want to be free of street drugs and alcohol.
  • I want to be able to go 24 hours without worrying about something or someone.
  • I want to have the courage to say I am NOT alright instead of pretending that I am. 

I continued: “Have you got the burning desire, a plan and the right help to achieve these things?” Unsurprisingly, NO hands went up.  

This was not a surprise to me.  Most people really do want to ‘live on easy street’, having good emotional and physical health, wealth, peace, happiness, and good relationships.  Unfortunately, in so many cases the vast majority will never achieve it. Not because they can’t, but more crucially they haven’t got the deep burning desire needed to start, aided by the right help and plan. 

How about you? Have you got what is needed to live on easy street? 

  • Do you have a burning desire to achieve the changes necessary to live on easy street?  
  • Do you have conviction in your ideas as well as the confidence and assertiveness needed to bring them to fruition? 
  • Are you seeking the right authentic help to support you in achieving the life you desire?

If the answer is NO then contact me, Irwin Edgehill and I will help you make that desire a reality. Email: or call 07842 435921. You can also read my previous blogs by visiting

Feelings before fact

Are you putting FEELINGS before FACT?

Do you ever put feelings before fact and because of this your actions turn painfully against you? If your answer is yes, then keep reading.

Long before I started on my own path of spiritual freedom. When my life’s circumstances only ever yielded one disaster after another, I was constantly putting my feelings before fact. Causing me to pay a heavy price as I was:

  • Using feelings to gauge that the woman I was with was real, when in FACT they weren’t. 
  • Feeling that the boss had it in for me when in FACT they didn’t. 
  • Feeling like there was no hope of me ever transforming my confusion about life into clarity when in FACT there was.

This was all due to being controlled by my feelings and not by fact. Which, on reflection isn’t an emotionally sophisticated way to live.

If you are currently in this painful predicament, I implore you to spend time pondering this blog. Because once you gain clarity it will save you a whole lot of wasted emotional, mental, psychological as well as physical energy.

An example of this came up in a recent 1-2-1-coaching session. The participant who always seemed to find themself bouncing from one doomed relationship to another, had the courage to seek advice and ask the question: “WHY does this keep happening to me, Irwin?”

My response, based on my practical as well as theoretical experiences was ….: “It is SIMPLY because we live in a world that gets us to put feelings before FACTS.”

I’m not talking about feelings based on the everyday level. Such as feeling it might rain so I best take my brolly as I don’t want to get wet. I am talking on a higher level. Were our actions based on feelings and not FACTS will affect our emotional, mental, psychological, physical, and financial wellbeing.

Who are you being driven by?

So, the key question we need to ask of ourselves in any emotional situation is who am I being driven by? My FEELINGS or FACTS. And if my feelings seem to be overwhelming me, can I ‘remember to remember,’ to realise the damage it will cause me if I don’t try to see the FACTS of it.

This may well seem very elementary to the very few who have taken the time and energy to work on their inner selves. Who are now being guided by something higher than their five senses. But alas to the vast majority who aren’t, it isn’t.

Are you one of the majorities who puts your feelings before FACTS? Are you fed up with the resulting pain it causes? Then do your entire body a loving favour, and get in touch with Irwin Edgehill training by calling 07842 435921 or email and we’ll help you put fact before feelings.  And whilst you are here, why not read some more of our blog posts on

Freedom from sentimental memories

Want freedom from the tyranny of your sentimental memories?

For some strange but practical reason, before I started on my own path of emotional freedom. I often found myself getting sentimental for those bygone days. When things appeared to be better than they really were.

Fast forward to today,  I often ask myself in moments of reflection: How many people actually live their lives in the NOW? Not getting caught up in the tyrannical trap of their sentimental memories, like I mistakenly did.

I use the word tyranny because that is what it felt like for me. To be continually subjected to those thoughts. And this reflection motivated me to write this blog. To ask the question to you! Would you like to be free from the tyranny of your sentimental memories? 

There is nothing gained from sentimental memories to your emotional, psychological, mental, spiritual, and as a result physical wellbeing. Negative thoughts connect with every part of us to our detriment, as do our positive thoughts but to our betterment. 

Painful thoughts are perpetuated by oneself

Little did I realise until a very wise man taught me, my painful thoughts were being perpetuated by myself. I was keeping them real and present because I wasn’t doing anything to help my current situation. The past at the time seemed like the logical place to dwell because I didn’t recognise I needed to have the courage, persistence, and guidance to make my life better and brighter. 

Don’t stop looking back on achievements and milestones

There is nothing wrong in looking back on our achievements and milestones. To motivate ourselves with our future goals or aspirations, or to even inspire those around us as I am trying to do with this blog. However, we need to be aware there will be definite emotional defeat if we look back sentimentally, with unconscious mechanicalness.

I posed this question in one of my recent Assertiveness Workshop’s. At first the group were unconvinced by the possibility that they had the power to transform their sentimental feelings, which was quickly destroying them. However, as the session ended most of them gained clarity. Feeling they had it within them to free themselves from the tyranny of their sentimental memories. But only if they were willing to put in the hard work and effort needed.

If you want to free yourself from the tyranny of sentimental memories, then have the courage of your convictions and contact us by calling 07842 435921 or email and we’ll help you make it a reality.  And whilst you are here, why not read some more of our blog posts on

Overwhelmed by your feelings

Painful feelings cannot enter a conscious mind. 

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the feelings that go through your mind in any given moment? Are these feelings painful and in many cases very painful? Then please read on….. 

Whether you believe it or not, it’s a fact that many people to one degree or another suffer needlessly from misleading hostile voices within their minds. All of us are a target and are affected! Depending on how consciously aware we are of our thoughts throughout the day, will impact on how well we can do something holistic to combat them.

I recently delivered a Self-Esteem workshop when one of the participants asked:

“Irwin, is it possible to go through a week let alone a day, without having painful feelings and suffering majorly as a result, about something that happened in the past or is happening now?”

Authentic piece of mind
My response to her sophisticated question. And I say sophisticated because it is our actions to questions such as these that will begin to bring authentic peace of mind from painful feelings. But only if we are willing to take the steps and make the sacrifices required to live emotionally, psychologically, and mentally pain free of such feelings.

  • Are you willing to sacrifice 30 minutes each and every day to enter a conscious mind? 
    Before you start any task including work or looking after the children you need to spend time to gather your thoughts. Being mindful of negative thoughts from the past or present, you need to put yourself in a state of gratitude for the things you have now instead of being focused on the things you don’t have.
  • Are you willing to stop giving added energy to negative thoughts?
    Realising that focusing on them, as you do now, will do nothing but perpetuate those painful feelings.
  • Are you willing to persist with this new way of living and being? 
    It may seem like an incredibly daunting task for the first few weeks or even months, but it is virtually impossible to achieve anything of any real value without being fully committed.
  • Are you willing to ignore any negative put downs from others?
    There will be those who will be secretly or openly against you trying to free your mind. To escape from the tyranny of those painful feelings, you may have to decide to leave those types of people behind!

If you can say YES to all the above, then congratulations you have a real chance of a positive breakthrough. The next step is to get in touch.

Let us help you become one of the few who’s painful feelings no longer cause a major problem for them each and every day because they are consciously awake to prevent it.  

Contact Irwin Edgehill training by calling 07842 435921 or email and let us help you begin your journey of authentic emotional, mental and psychological salvation.

Building relationships

Roses are red, violets are blue, so how did I end up with someone like you?

It’s that time of the year when we are meant to be our best selves to the person we are supposed to love. A time when TV and radio adverts, the supermarkets and social media are all encouraging us to spend big on treating our loved ones to something special for Valentine’s Day.

Before you read any further, let me say this blog is not written with any form of resentfulness or bitterness. On the contrary, it is written in spiritual awareness, where I passionately believe if people had this type of awareness, they wouldn’t get seduced, as they do at this point every year, into spending money for the wrong reasons.

I say for the wrong reasons because the other person in most cases, only ever mechanically gives, to get back, or as I have mentioned they take their cues from a media point of view and not from their authentic self.

My question to you is this: How is it possible for a couple to be authentically their best selves when they do no emotional inner work to become their best authentic selves? And if they are not doing any emotional inner work, do you think they have the capacity to be an authentic valentine 365 days a year let alone for just one day?

This is why couples spend most of their time at each other’s throats be that verbally, psychologically, or unfortunately physically. Which in many cases has its root cause in both, or at least one of them not doing any emotional inner work on themselves. Yet they will still be buying each other valentine gifts and calling that love. 

If you are fed up with silently or openly saying to yourself: How did I end up with him or her? You are now aware of the fundamental reason and can now start to do something about it. 

With the help of Irwin Edgehill training, let us help you to become a true valentine every day of the year. Call 07842 435921 or send a message to

Building relationships

Are you really my valentine? 

It’s that time of the year when we are meant to be our best selves to the person we are supposed to love. A time when TV and radio adverts, the supermarkets and social media are all encouraging us to spend big on treating our loved ones to something special for Valentine’s Day.

Before you read any further, let me say this blog is not written with any form of resentfulness or bitterness. On the contrary, it is written in spiritual awareness, where I passionately believe if people had this type of awareness, they wouldn’t get seduced, as they do at this point every year, into spending money for the wrong reasons.

I say for the wrong reasons because the other person in most cases, only ever mechanically gives, to get back, or as I have mentioned they take their cues from a media point of view and not from their authentic self.

My question to you is this: How is it possible for a couple to be authentically their best selves when they do no emotional inner work to become their best authentic selves? And if they are not doing any emotional inner work, do you think they have the capacity to be an authentic valentine 365 days a year let alone for just one day?

This is why couples spend most of their time at each other’s throats be that verbally, psychologically, or unfortunately physically. Which in many cases has its root cause in both, or at least one of them not doing any emotional inner work on themselves. Yet they will still be buying each other valentine gifts and calling that love. 

If you are fed up with silently or openly saying to yourself: How did I end up with him or her? You are now aware of the fundamental reason and can now start to do something about it. 

With the help of Irwin Edgehill training, let us help you to become a true valentine every day of the year. Call 07842 435921 or send a message to